White Chocolate Macadamia Popcorn Mix

White Chocolate Macadamia Popcorn Mix


  1. Crush the pretzels into pieces of varying sizes, then combine the popcorn, pretzels, and macadamia nuts in a very large mixing bowl.
  2. Over a double-boiler, melt the white chocolate very carefully. Work slowly and stir frequently, since white chocolate can easily seize up if heated too quickly. It can also seize if any moisture is present, so make sure the bowl and stirring/implement you use are completely dry and that no steam is reaching the chocolate.
  3. When the white chocolate is completely melted, pour it into the popcorn mixture. Using a large spatula, toss the popcorn mixture with the melted chocolate until evenly but lightly coated.
  4. Line a large sheet tray with wax paper (or oil it well). Transfer the chocolate-coated popcorn onto the sheet tray, pressing it into a single layer.
  5. If desired, sprinkle the top of the mixture with sugar pearls or other festive decorations. Then, let it sit at room temperature until the chocolate has hardened, about 30-60 minutes.
  6. Gently remove the popcorn mix from the sheet tray, breaking it into small clusters. Devour immediately! Or, store the popcorn in a sealed container at room temperature; make sure not to let it get warm or the chocolate will melt.


  • 6 cups lightly-salted popcorn, either homemade or store-bought
  • 2 cups salted pretzels, grain-free if desired
  • 4oz bag of Mauna Loa Hawaiian Sea Salt Macadamias
  • 1 1/4 cups high-quality white. chocolate
  • Sugar pearls or other festive sprinkles (optional)

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