Harnessing the power of Macadamia Nuts: Fueling Your Health with Kim Shapira’s Six Simple Rules

Harnessing the power of Macadamia Nuts: Fueling Your Health with Kim Shapira’s Six Simple Rules

hawaii island illustration hawaii island illustration


Macadamia nuts are quickly becoming all the rage. There is a new nut in town and it’s packing a punch with a whopping 80% monounsaturated fat, balanced Omega3/Omega 6 fatty acid ratio and natural antioxidants such as; polyphenols, tocopherols and squalene, making them full of heart healthy, brain healthy and gut healthy fats. When part of a balanced diet these little delicious, buttery nuggets help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels.  

Macadamia nuts are also high in disease fighting lignans, coming in just behind extra virgin olive oil. These antioxidant properties defend our body from oxidative stress while neutralizing free radicals. These powerful lignans fall into the phytoestrogen family meaning they can act like estrogen in our body, helping to reduce the risk of hormone related cancers. And they also contain magnesium which plays a role in minimizing pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS), hormonal fluctuations, menopausal symptoms and muscle tension.   

If you know me, then you know- to keep in mind that everything in moderation, while also working on being consistent, is the key to success. For those that don’t know me, feel free to keep reading 😊.

Did you know that a handful of macadamia nuts (about 10-12 nuts or 1 ounce) a day or every other day contributes to not only those heart, brain, gut and anti-inflammatory benefits but also to so much more? They aid in blood sugar regulation, collagen and connective tissue formation, strong bones and teeth, and healthy cell communication due to its high content of manganese (51%).  

Now let's get into my six simple rules so I can show you exactly how to add in these little powerhouses.

1. Eat When You Are Hungry:

Yes, that is right, eat when you’re hungry! Take your normal portion, cut it in half and wait 15 minutes to see if you need more food. We typically know when we are hungry, and I like to throw in a little fail-safe to slow us down, to really let our body and mind communicate how and when we need more.  Macadamia nuts are a satisfying snack with a whopping 80% heart heathy fats that fills us up in a shorter amount of time, which lends itself to help master this rule.  We all are busy and tend to eat quickly, maybe even while we are distracted, so starting with half of your normal portion, and taking the time to chew this little nut will help your digestion and improve your eating habits. Their high content of healthy fats, protein, and fiber makes them ideal for keeping you satisfied.

2. Eat What You Love:

Eat what you love, and make sure the food loves you back. Eat it when you are hungry and start with half. This rule will really help understand how something you're eating could be contributing to unhealthy behaviors or inflammation. There are many times when we love to indulge in our favorite cheat snack or meal, but it makes us feel sick or unwell.  Macadamia nuts are delicious, creamy, buttery and beneficial, they can be eaten raw, roasted or mixed into your meals.  Let’s see how your body feels when you eat them.

3. Eat Without Distractions:

Eat without distractions. When you are hungry, start with half of your normal portion, checking in to make sure the foods you are eating are taking good care of your body.  

In general, we eat for four reasons: for emotional reasons, because the food is in front of us, because we have cravings and because we’re hungry.  Did you know that research shows that the reward of eating is actually in the anticipation, it’s not even when the food we love is in our mouth? What if we could change that?  Macadamia nuts really lend themselves to being mindful while snacking, since they are rich in flavor and texture. It’s easy to take your time and enjoy each one, while enjoying the experience.

4. Get 10,000 Steps Everyday:

We are meant to be fidgety and active, and to have a high muscle mass and low body fat. The average American walks about 3000 steps. We know that we need at least 7000 steps to lower our risk of all diseases and to decrease our risk of death by 50%. These steps will improve your mood, and lower your inflammation. When both of these are aligned, we actually have more motivation to make better choices. I always recommend 10,000 steps because they help us maintain our weight, and improve our circadian rhythms which are your sleeping cycles. To support our muscle function, macadamia nuts are a great, convenient snack with a good source of magnesium and protein that is necessary to prevent cramping, and aid in repair and recovery.

5. Drink 8 Cups of Water Everyday:

Our body is made up of ideally 50 to 70% water, so drinking water replaces anything that’s lost through sweat, saliva, urine or feces and helps our bodies detox naturally. While macadamia nuts, themselves don’t provide any hydration they are great paired with some water to create a balanced snack.

6. Get 7 Hours of Sleep Every Night: 

The average American gets 6 ½ hours of sleep each night. This increases a person's inflammation, lowers their motivation, and causes their body to feel stressed. A few macadamias nut each day may potentially help to improve your sleep habits leading to an overall healthier you.  Macadamia nuts neutralize free radicals because they are so high in MUFA’s (mono-unsaturated fats), lowering inflammation and therefore your body’s stress signals (cortisol levels). These little nuts also have magnesium that is known for its calming effects on the nervous system, which leads to improved sleep, and they have a slow release of energy, which in turn helps to maintain or even improve blood sugar levels while also keeping late night hunger at bay because they keep you full longer.

Macadamia nuts are simple, satisfying, and nutritious and as you can see, they align perfectly with my six simple rules. I can't wait to hear how you incorporate macadamia nuts into your daily routine. Have fun chewing your food.

About Kim Shapira
Kim Shapira is a respected dietitian whose mission is to help you become your best self—physically, emotionally, spiritually, and medically. With a foundation in science, Kim has developed the METHOD, a set of Six Simple Rules designed to guide you toward a normal, healthy relationship with food. These rules are easy to follow and are geared towards improving your confidence, health, and overall well-being. For more, visit Kim at her website.

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